1000 Hours Outside 2024 Tracker

I am absolutely thrilled to announce that 1000 Hours Outside has chosen my design as one of the 2024 winning trackers!!

It has been a joy to follow the 1000 Hours Outside movement throughout my journey of motherhood. Not only is the core of this movement impactful, but they have an incredible podcast full of information that has resonated with me and thousands of others.

Story Behind My Design

When I first saw the announcement for the tracker design contest my mind was buzzing with inspiration and I knew I had to enter! I brought my sketchbook with me to an appointment and filled page after page in the parking lot. One idea kept standing out; the binoculars. I was drawn to an older pair that invoked the sense of old times and slowing down. I knew the outside rings would hold plenty of spaces for easy tracking and the neck strap could be a wonderful accent to the entire design. But, what to fill the lenses with?

Almost two years ago, my husband and I took a huge leap of faith to move our growing family to Washington. We both grew up surrounded by incredible nature and knew we wanted to raise our family based on a slower pace of life with nature at its core. Soon after moving here, I knew this was it. The place where my soul belonged. I felt at home. So, one side became the view of Mt Rainier I have framed in my house. To this day, she takes my breath away! During our first few months here, we hiked one of the popular trails up at the mountain. It has become one of my favorite hikes and most treasured memories created with my family.

My husband and I have always loved camping. Some of our very first adventures together were driving into the Rocky Mountains and camping for the weekend wherever we ended up. These drives and camping trips became “our thing” and something we still do with our girls today. The left lens in my design is created from a mix of several of our favorite camping sites.

The tracker design holds many dear memories and was an absolute joy to create! Reminiscing on memories past, while looking for inspiration to motivate families to spend more time in nature together, melded into a beautiful design. My hope is that it sparks some of your most treasured memories as well. That each section colored in holds an adventure big or small, yet fills your heart just the same.

Spending more time outside has profound effects. Watch your your spirits lift, your body and mind relax, and your whole life transform. I cannot wait to go on this amazing journey with you next year! I am looking forward to filling in my tracker along with you!


Natural Roots Fabric + Cedarcrest Studio


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